Shocking Cloud Computing Statistics
- 100 Zettabytes of information is stored in the cloud
- $447 billion in the cloud computing Net worth with AWS dominating the cloud computing market
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s largest cloud services company
- GoogleDrive is the most used cloud service, more than 61% of users under 29 years
- North America owns 61% of the cloud computing market shares and 31% whole market uses AWS services
- 800 Cloud Storage providers are available and an average enterprise uses 1427 distinct cloud services
- 50% of the organizations store their data without encryption in the cloud and 32% choose providers carefully.
- 92% of the organizations follow a multi-cloud strategy and cloud spending is a major concern for organizations
- Most Human errors are reasons for cloud data breaches and 2.7% of the cloud-stored files don’t have access restrictions
- Cloud-based apps tripled by the year 2016 while cloud services in China are booming
- Public cloud spending is about to reach $160 billion, US is the largest country market for it
- The Cloud video streaming market is on rising, whereas the cloud storage market grows by $390 billion by 2028.
- Cloud services are profoundly used for email and file storage.
- Dropbox is the leading cloud storage provider.
- 32% of the IT budget will be spent on Cloud by 2021
- 81% of the enterprise have at least one application in the cloud
- Enterprises with more than 1000 employees investing at least $158 million on cloud
- Cloud computing jobs demand increased by 42% by 2021
- The Cloud monitor industry grows by 22.6%
- New Cloud Service has a capacity of 600 smartphones and 120 tablets. There are 13M servers across the globe
- China’s cloud computing net worth reaches $76 billion by 2023
- The Cloud Gaming market is estimated to reach $21,954 million by 2030, in-game purchases generate 74% of the revenue
- 2.7 Gamers across the world, mobile gamers are more compared to other platforms
☁Cloud Computing is the driving force behind many organizations providing storage or cloud services. There are several cloud providers in the market like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. More than 90% of the organizations use cloud services and invested billions in it’s growth.

Here are the top stats of Cloud Computing, have a look at them…
1. Total Data Size Stored in Cloud
Source: CyberSecurityVentures
It’s predicted that more than 100 zettabytes of information will be stored in the cloud by 2025 by collectively combining public data which is stored in websites like Apple, Facebook, Google, etc including all government & private services.
While only 25% of the above organization’s data is being stored in the cloud in 2015 and now they are half moved. Due to rapid improvement in internet services and considering consumption usage (streaming, browsing, downloading, etc) there will be a rapid growth
2. More than 800 cloud providers in the Market
Source: RedHat
Many providers are offering cloud storage and services, currently, the count is hitting 800 as per Redhat reports. While the big cloud providers are Amazon Web services, Microsoft Azure, and Google cloud platform which allows you to store & access resources or information at any point of time from anywhere in the world. All you need is just an internet connection.
Till 2021 there were only 200 was services and products available, there are some at cheaper prices and some with more benefits. Amazon Webservices is much bigger than Azure services in the market.
3. 1.8 billion known cloud users across the world
Source: Statista
Though there are 5 billion active cloud users accessing it for digital and storage services. Only 1.8 billion people among them are known and consistently using the cloud services from 2014 to 17. While there are 7.5 million active internet users every second.
While there are 3.5 million active smartphone users in 2020 and 45% of the population are internet users. More than 2 billion people are playing mobile game and most games stores the saved files in the cloud.
4. 61% of the cloud users aged between 18 to 29 Years
Source: Statista
During a survey in May 2017, it was found that more than 61% of the cloud user are under 29 years and 18% of the people are above 60 years. The number of people using the cloud is hitting the sky-reaching 2 billion users by 2020. More than 700 million dropbox (second-largest cloud storage) users are known.
5. Amazon Web Service is the largest cloud company
Source: AWS
Amazon Web Services dominates all other cloud services like Google, and Microsoft and stands as the world’s largest cloud platform with over 200 data centers across the globe. It’s rapidly growing with 27% every year and 39% growth in revenue as per 2021 statistics. AWS’s previous year’s revenue is $16.1 billion.

There is very tremendous growth which couldn’t be seen in any other cloud company, though it started with a mere revenue of $1 billion in 2014, Jeff Bezos strives for its growth is new leading principles that worked within days.
6. Most used cloud storage services
Source: Cloudwards
Most of us mainly use Google drives which come on our smartphones and then comes dropbox which allows you to share data across devices and platforms followed by One drive which you might have observed on your Windows devices. Then there are iCloud Apple’s most robust cloud services, MEGA, etc.

Here are some of the best cloud storage services that most around us will use daily. As per the user trends, there is no surprise that Google Drive has more than a billion users and its workspace is filled with 2 billion users by 2020.
7. Cloud Computing Net Worth
Source: FinanceYahoo
Cloud computing’s net worth crosses $445.3 billion in 2023 and is predicted to grow by $947.3 more than double within 5 years. This is obvious considering the trend of internet users & people relying on online storage and services. Its net worth is around 141 billion US dollars

All this huge spike in shart span is with the sudden shutdown of the offline services due to pandemics which helped tech giants to grow much faster than they expected with IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) that provides mobility, scalability, and performance at cheaper prices.
8. Cloud Computing Shares in the Market
Source: Cloud-computing-news
North America owns more market shares compared to all other regions in the world. It’s estimated that 61% of the shares are under its name by 2020. While the others regions are nowhere near, western Europe owns 21% of the total market and only 18% of the shares are owned by all other regions.

Africa has the least market share and AWS dominates all other cloud services in every region with its best-known IaaS services. More than a quarter of the whole market share region people use Amazon Web Services.
9. 50% of the organization’s stores their data in the Cloud
Source: PandaSecurity
Cloud and digital services revolutionized organizations, from small to very large organizations are storing their data in the cloud. Some survey reports say that 48% of organizations store data in the cloud while 32% of them believe it’s their responsibility to protect them.
23% of organizations are afraid of the security of choosing a cloud service provider, 51% of the organization don’t encrypt or protect their data stored in the cloud. With this difficulty in protecting the data on the cloud, cyberattacks on the surface are increasing at a rapid scale.
It’s more important to be aware of the new security threats emerging every day and protect the organization’s data.
10. 92% of the organizations follow a multi-cloud strategy
Source: Factioninc
The multi-cloud trend is followed by most organizations, i.e the data will be stored in multiple clouds that come in handy when cloud service is unavailable for any reason. So, they will have another as backup resources. While 92% of the organizations use this strategy and 82% of the enterprise adopt hybrid cloud infrastructure.
This multi-cloud strategy will be adopted more by 2023, till then organizations are looking for cost cuttings, effective facilities, security, and reliability from the cloud services. They use both public and private clouds.
11. 70% of the European organizations Migrated to Cloud
Source: Cloudwards
Most European organizations are readily migrated to the cloud to ease the workload and 59% of them migrated to cut down their costs for better optimization. While the other 50% migrated to take advantage of cloud strategies and cloud-to-cloud migrations.

Every organization is planning to optimize its cloud cost in 2023, in fact, this is not the first time. 76% of the organizations measure their cloud progress with cost efficiency and changes they made.
12. Cloud cost is a major concern for organizations
Source: Zdnet
Cloud usage is more in recent years and every organization is looking to migrate cloud to get benefited. While organizations are adapting to multi-cloud strategies, enterprises’ concern toward cloud spending is not a surprise. IDC reckons cloud spending increased to $210 billion (23.8% increase) in 2019 and it’s expected to hit $370 billion by 2022.
So they are looking for cheaper cloud services offering the same features. While business owners think that 30% of their cloud budget is being wasted. At the same time, cloud infrastructure spending is on rising levitating 35% more compared to the previous year’s spending of $2 billion.
13. Cloud Data breaches due to Human Errors
Source: Wsj
Almost 95% of cloud breaches occur due to human errors and employees who store the data in the cloud pretend the breach is due to the service. So, all the cloud computing service clearly depicts “Users are responsible for what they are storing in the cloud“. So, make sure that you encrypt the data before storing it in the cloud.
Most cloud services started that bad configurations servers are the blind spots for hackers to get the data on combining this with cloud make the scene even worse. 34% of men are more likely to make mistakes compared to women.
14. Cloud-based Apps number tripled by 2016
Source: Skyhigh
Skyhigh data reports show that the average number of cloud-based applications is tripled within 3 years from 545 to 1427. An average enterprise that uses all these distinct cloud services which are 23.7% high from 2013. While an average employee uses 36 cloud services at work.
As cloud adaption is increased, every organization is storing their workload in the cloud.
15. Public Cloud Service spending Forecast to reach $160 billion
Source: Businesswire
While there are three major industries like manufacturing ($19.7 billion), professional services (18.1 billion), and banking ($16.7 billion) that are planning to spend on cloud services. But the global spending on public cloud forecast hits $160 billion as per reports.
SaaS (Software as a Service) occupies two-thirds of all public clouds by 2018 which stands on the basic blocks of EMR, SIS, CRM applications, IaaS (Infrastructure as a service) is the second largest one followed by SaaS in public cloud spending.
16. The United States is the largest country market for public cloud services
Source: Statista
Public cloud shares in the US account for more than 60% of the worldwide spending, while Germany and UK (Western Europe) have mere spending of $7.4 and $7.9 billion. Japan and China will be the top 5 countries with $5 billion spending each. China cloud market services are booming with a 66% increase in one year from $11 billion to $19 billion.
US public cloud revenue is $206 billion by 2022 and is the largest SaaS with a market volume of $110 billion with an annual revenue growth rate of 12% approximately.
17. Streaming market continues to grow
Source: Marketresearchfuture
The global cloud market is expanding at an unpredictable rate providing everything on the cloud. As per 2021 statistics, the cloud video streaming market worth is $59 billion, most streaming services like Netflix, DIsney+, Amazon Prime, HBO, etc are rising with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 13% and are predicted to grow $223 billion by 2028.
Here are some shocking Netflix statistics. All these streaming services restrict the content you watch depending on the region you live in, it’s called geo-blocking. You can break these barriers with a VPN to watch anything from anywhere. Do check our best Netflix VPNs.
18. Cloud Storage Market Growth
Source: GlobalNewswire
Every individual started storing on the cloud, global cloud storage market worth saw a huge spike of $61 billion by 2020 starting from $30 billion. It’s estimated that the trends will continue to grow by more than $76 billion by 2021 with a compound growth rate of 26% annually from 2021-to 2028.

Overall it will reach $353.81billion by 2028 (amazing growth), all this is possible due to the pandemic. There are several driving factors behind these trends like backup, cost-effectiveness, unlimited storage plans, etc.
19. Cloud is profoundly used for email and storage services
Source: Eurostat
Email and storage are some interesting reasons for the adaption of the cloud for many organizations as per the Eurostat reports. Digging deep, it found that 66 % of the enterprises use cloud computing for 📩 mail services, and 53% of the organizations use it for storage purposes.
Recent surveys depict that most organizations store their company databases in a Virtual private server (VPS) for dedicated cloud services. This virtualization technology boosts cloud usage.
20. Dropbox is the leading cloud storage provider
Source: Capital
Dropbox cloud is highly preferred over all other services for storage purposes. In which it owns 47% of the storage market, while other well-known cloud storage services like Google Drive owns 26.9% and Microsoft One Drive conquers (15.3%).

Though dropbox lost some of its users due to these enterprise solutions, but still dominates the market. Dropbox arrived as IPO worth $10 billion, it’s been there since 2008 offering 2GB free storage with signup.
Though it lost $112 million in recent financial years, still it managed to gain 500 million users. Now. it’s going to be tougher with heavy competition in the market
21. 32% of the IT budget is expected to spend on Cloud
Source: Forbes
Average enterprise cloud spending rose 58% from 2018-to 2020 with a total of $73.8M. While 92% of the IT environment completely replies on cloud and it’s predicted to grow 95% in 18 months.
While the majority of the budget will be allocated to the SaaS cloud and the rest of the budget will be split between IaaS and PaaS. Also, the average spending rose by 35.8% since 2016. This migrated enterprise applications to a cloud environment and 46% of the applications are on purposely built on the cloud.
More than 81% of the enterprises have at least one application on the cloud and organizations with at least 1K employees is spending $158 million on cloud services.
22. 42% Increase in cloud computing Jobs by 2021
Source: CRN
Cloud is booming💥, so do its jobs. They are highly in demand as per CRN reports. The heavy investment of tech giants in the cloud is the main factor for this rise. Within just 3 years cloud computing jobs per million increased by 42%. Also, cloud computing searches per million increased by 50%.
While this demand is expected to grow another 10% by 2022. Do you know? the average salary of a cloud computing engineer ranges between $104k-$178k as per US standards. Research says there are 50000 jobs in the cloud domain and the demand is higher than expected.
23. Cloud monitoring industry grows by 22.6%
Source: Mordorintelligence
cloud monitoring industries increased by 22.6% within 2 years with the rapid migration of organization data into the cloud. Data fabrics and cloud coalitions keep an eye on the cloud services.
The Cloud monitoring sector values around $4.5 billion, US government is one of the most prominent cloud clients with the government (federal & state agencies) using 48% of the cloud-based services.
The complete government sector is showing interest in shifting its data to the cloud due to its optimizations and modernization. Also, most active online users are storing their data in the cloud.
24. A cloud server will have a capacity of 600 smartphones and 120 tablets
Source: Multisoft
Individual interest in digital storage is the first step toward cloud success. A cloud server will be able to hold the capacity of 600 smartphones and 120 tablets. There are more than 13 million servers distributed across the world and 50% of the accounts are AWS.
While the total data stored in clouds by 2020 is more than 40 zettabytes, i.e an average individual person is storing 5200 GB of data. This is why EU enterprises are adopting cloud faster than other regions.
25. China estimated to spend $13 billion on public cloud
Source: Statista
China’s cloud computing market is worth $17 billion as per 2019 surveys and still is estimated to spend $13 billion. By this, China will account for 49.7% of the public cloud computing services, and the net worth is estimated to reach $26 billion, this is expected to reach $76 billion by 2023.
While the overall cloud computing market (IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS) in China reaches $312 billion in 2020. And it’s predicted to grow 10.5% by 2024.
26. Cloud gaming market worth $244 million
Source: AlliedMarketResearch
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provides all hardware requirements for the gamers to run their desired game on the cloud. All they need is a good internet speed connection to play the game smoothly, while the cloud gaming market worth $244 million by 2020 and is predicted to grow by $21,954 million by 2030.

% Streamers and gamers tilted towards the cloud due to cost-effective infrastructure. The compound annual growth rate is very huge and about 57% as it is most affordable than traditional gaming consoles or PC.
In-game purchases (Mobile) generate the highest revenue of 74% while the rest of the revenue is being generated by game boxes, digital games, console subscriptions, etc by 2020.
27. 932 Million Cloud Gaming Platform users in 2020
Source: FinancesOnline
As per cloud gaming platform reports, there were more than 932 million users by 2020. This number promises to grow at a rapid pace with an increase in cloud usage and bring top-level gaming experience at affordable prices through IaaS. While there are 2.7 billion gamers across the globe by 2020.

Of all these gamers, there are 2.5 billion mobile gamers. Asian-Pacific users are most gamers and this number is predicted to get doubled within 3 years.